From the Well & News:
Opposing Prop HH, Colorado Republicans say budget ‘prioritization’ can pay for property tax cut BY: SARA WILSON - Colorado Newsline
Prop HH is not the answer! "Republicans want to reduce taxes through legislation without affecting that revenue cap and the TABOR refund checks tied to it." Click here to read more.
Senators Byron Pelton, Barbara Kirkmeyer receive ‘Common Sense in Courtroom’ award By STERLING JOURNAL-ADVOCATE
"Republican Sens. Byron Pelton of Sterling and Barbara Kirkmeyer of Brighton were among the state lawmakers who on Tuesday received “Common Sense in the Courtroom” awards from the Colorado Civil Justice League. The awards are presented to lawmakers who have demonstrated a commitment to curtailing lawsuit abuse and protecting small business and working families from the cost of frivolous litigation." Click here to continue reading this article.‘Splitting myself in half’: Colorado's citizen-legislature clashes with financial realities | COVER STORY By Hannah Metzger and Marianne Goodland
"When Sen. Byron Pelton, R-Sterling, went from a Logan County Commissioner to a state senator, his salary fell by nearly 45%. On top of that, his electrician business dropped off because he could no longer take on big projects." Click here to read more about how the Colorado state legislature is structured to be a citizen legislature, but this structure has also caused some financial hardships on those who do decide to serve.
It’s Time That Colorado’s 2nd Leading Economic Driver, Agriculture, Gets Some Respect By Senators Byron Pelton, R-Sterling and Barbara Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton
Agriculture is Colorado’s second-highest economic driver, contributing $47 billion to the economy each year! Yet, every year since he was elected Colorado’s governor, it appears Jared Polis has enjoyed slapping our constituents in the face. Click here to read more about how it is time that Colorado's agriculture gets the respect that it deserves.
Thank you to everyone who participated and/or contributed to the June 21-22 Eastern Plains Tour!
Thank you to all of my fellow State Legislators who came out to the eastern plains to learn about our agricultural livelihoods and rural way of life; and thank you to all of our incredible hosts who made this two-day tour event.
Click here for a photo (tictok) video
Front Range legislators tour Eastern Plains agriculture by Rachel Gabel, with the Fence Post
Sen. Byron Pelton said his district combined with Sen. Rod Pelton’s district comprise 44% of the state’s landmass and 7% of the people of the state. Those acres are also responsible for a large amount of the state’s $47 billion agriculture industry. “I told them I want them to understand these are families doing these jobs, these are family-run businesses,” he said. “When there’s legislation that affects agriculture, it affects these families and the economy.” Click here to learn more about how the Joint Eastern Plains tour that had a total of 15 State legislatures participate went!
Commentary: Stop coddling drug dealers to save lives By BYRON PELTON and Barbara Kirkmeyer | Special to the Journal-Advocate
It is time we stop being soft on crime and we start holding drug dealers accountable. We are asking our colleagues on both sides of the aisle to unite in 2024 and stand up against the growing drug pandemic that is plaguing our State. Click here to read this full opinion piece.SB23-088 was Signed Into Law!
Senate Bill 23-088 "Sentence Served Before Parole And Notify Victim" was signed into law today! This will help to clear up communication on how much time is really served on a sentence. Victim notification will cause ease of mind (or at least help) for those who were affected by a crime. Thank you to my colleagues - Senator Rhonda Feilds, Representative Ty Winter and Representative Matthew Martinez - for running this bill with me and helping to get it passed. Signing_Statement_-_SB23-088.pdf
Time to repeal Section 232 tariffs | OPINION
However you may choose to look at them, tariffs are a damaging economic tool, one of the most misguided economic policies a free economy can pursue. Tariffs are a tax, one that hinders free trade, distorts markets and ultimately artificially increases costs for consumers. Click here to read more.
Selected for the Faith, Family, and Freedom Award
I am proud and humbled to be receiving the Faith, Family, and Freedom Award from the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University. With new attacks on the sanctity of life, second amendment rights, and parental rights, as well as detrimental economic regulations, we need to be firm and stand up for our conservative principles.
Opinion: Local Governments Can Correct Our Rising Property Taxes
Local governments can correct our rising property taxes; which is why the citizens of each community need to start getting involved with their county’s budget process and start talking with their local elected officials – county commissioners, fire chiefs, school board members, etc. – about how responsible budgeting, lower mill levies, and temporary property tax credits can curb the impact of property tax increases. Click here to read more.
WWII veteran Eugene Brown turns 100
Friends, neighbors and both of Fleming’s state legislative officials celebrate his service before and after WWII. It was an honor to be able to help celebrate Mr. Eugene Brown's 100th Birthday with him and his family, click here to read more.
Sen. Pelton hopes for ‘accountability’ from new behavioral health chief
Human Services Director Michelle Barnes taking over as interim commissioner, click here to see my press release.
Dems stall justice while drugs kill Coloradans | OPINION
Read my op-ed about SB23-109 and how the Left is playing politics with Coloradoan lives here.
The Colorado left’s hypocrisy on choice | OPINION
Read my op-ed about abortion bills, SB23-188, SB23-189, and SB23-190 here.
Military Day